Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Body in Mind — Research into the role of the brain in chronic pain

We want to better facilitate and disseminate credible clinical science research. The motivation lies in our brief as scientists – we reckon that the communication bit of science is the bit that often drags the chain of knowledge development and transfer. We want to communicate our science better. We want to side-step, or perhaps leap-frog, the arduous journey that new discoveries make before they have the opportunity to influence clinical practice. What does Body in Mind want to communicate, exactly? Advances and issues in the clinical sciences as they relate to the role of the brain and mind in chronic pain disorders. There are three subplots we would like to convey, summarised by the three 'C's: complexity, credibility and creativity.
Complexity: We reckon humans are terrifically complex and that embracing this complexity will improve clinical practice.
Credibility: We want to provide information that is evidence-based where evidence exists, that clearly labels speculation as speculation and that is openly and without prejudice, peer-reviewed.
Creativity: We reckon that the chasm that seems to exist between scientists and clinicians is a nuisance. We reckon that if we can bridge this chasm, we will establish a creative space in which scientists and clinicians trust each other and really start to solve some problems. I know, grand hopes. Still, hopes create opportunities, surely.